Our school in the Summer sunshine

Monday, 18 October 2010

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Multi Skills

Yesterday some children from year 2 went to Boston Spa to take part in the Multi Skills event. We had lots of fun practising skills such as balancing, speed and strength. We were put into groups with children from other schools and by the end we had even made some new friends! Miss Balcon was most impressed with our throwing skills...

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Ducklings - Their First Bardsey Harvest


Well, what a busy week we had last week. All the Reception children went to their first assembly at Bardsey School and not only did they sit beautifully and listen, but they also performed their song. We are so proud of them all. It was a big occasion and they all stepped up to the mark! well done.

We also did lots of tasting last week. We all helped to make dips and prepare the dippers and then we used our senses to describe and finally taste the dips. We also tried sour lemons and bitter chocolate. I was surprised to see some children actually enjoying the lemons and going back for more! This week we are going to try some Asian food to link in with our non-uniform day which is in aid of the flood victims in Pakistan.

Reception have also started work on calculations. We have introduced adding and take away. We have been counting how many children choose each lunch choice and then we combine groups to make totals. We have also been taking away one of our groups and counting how many are left. Remember, if you do any counting or calculations at home, keep it fun and use objects e.g. counting how many forks and knives are on the table, how many steps to school from the gate/car.

The children had great fun reading Oliver's Vegetables, they used Mrs Collins veg box to make an allotment in the sand pit and painted some great pictures of all the different vegetables.

So, watch this space to how we get on with our Asian feast!

Mrs Gaunt & Mrs Collins

Friday, 8 October 2010

Harvest Festival

We've had our annual harvest festival this week. Each class presented either a poem, some facts about harvest or sang a song.

Saturday, 2 October 2010


The children in Ducklings have been very excited this week about reading as they all brought home their school reading book. It was fantastic to see the expressions on their faces when they finished reading their first book and it has been great to see all the lovely comments from parents showing how proud of them you are. We hope you have enjoyed trying some of the activities from your sound book too.

All the Reception staff have been very impressed with the fantasic mark making the children completed this week using both pictures and letters to record what they heard as they went on listening walks with Mrs Lee around school. We also found time to be creative producing musical shakers, homemade pizzas and some brilliant artwork.

Finally we have been practising hard for our first school performance as part of the Harvest Assembly this Wednesday (6th October) at 2.45 pm in the Upper School Hall we hope to see many of you there.

We have had lots of positive comments from parents and staff all around school about how well the new Reception children have settled and how much they seem to be enjoying school life, these comments are really appreciated and we are extremely proud of our little Ducklings.

Thank you

Mrs Collins and Mrs Gaunt.

Friday, 1 October 2010

We're having fun learning about forces in Science.